Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Going up?

This is the sight that greets me as I look up from my knitting:

Until now he has only patted the bottom step, but yesterday he decided he was destined for greater things. Somewhat shocked & rather excited by this new activity, I grab my camera. What's he after?!

Ah, The Wallet, of course. The Wallet is one of Isaac's favourite things to play with, especially when we're out. Proper toys just don't hold his attention like The Wallet and The Keys.
I am a crafty Mummy Pie and use The Wallet...as bait!

Just a little further...
Mum, WTF, seriously.
No shifting the goalposts...until you've reached them!

A quick half-time Rinny ball chucking interlude before...

 ...stairs, part two.

I love how pleased he is when he discovers something new that he thinks is fun. Learning should be fun. I wish my A Level teachers knew that. Then again, how exactly does one make Richard III fun?

I might have been a little ambitious with this last stretch. Or maybe the timing was wrong; it wasn't long until  his afternoon nap when he instigated the climbing and I think climbing required a considerable amount of exertion!

I'll get you my pretty, and your little cards too!
My boy did very well for his first attempt; I didn't help him at all, other than being there with him to offer encouragement and smiles. Where's the fun in doing it for him?

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